
Guide: How to Bring Your Spouse to Canada as a Permanent Resident

How to Bring Your Spouse to Canada as a Permanent Resident

If you’re looking to bring your spouse to Canada as a permanent resident, there are specific steps and requirements you need to follow. This comprehensive guide will take you through the process, providing all the information you need to successfully sponsor your spouse or partner for Canadian permanent residency.


Key Takeaways:

  • Completing an application form and meeting eligibility requirements are essential to bringing your spouse to Canada as a permanent resident.
  • Gathering necessary documents, such as passports and photos, and paying required fees are part of the application process.
  • Biometrics may be required for individuals between 14 and 79 years old.
  • The processing time for sponsorship applications is approximately 12 months.
  • Same-sex marriages and relationships are recognized and eligible for sponsorship in Canada.

Understanding Spouse Sponsorship in Canada

Spouse sponsorship is an immigration process in Canada that allows Canadian citizens or permanent residents to sponsor their spouse or partner to become a permanent resident. This program aims to reunite families and promote the integration of spouses or partners into Canadian society.

When sponsoring a spouse or partner, there are certain requirements that need to be met. The sponsor must be at least 18 years old, be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and prove their ability to support the sponsored person financially. The sponsored person must also meet certain criteria, such as passing medical and security checks.

It is important to note that same-sex marriages and relationships are recognized and eligible for sponsorship in Canada. The country is committed to promoting diversity and equality in its immigration policies.


Eligibility Requirements for Sponsorship

In order to be eligible for spouse sponsorship in Canada, both the sponsor and the sponsored person must meet certain requirements. The sponsor must be able to demonstrate that they can financially support their spouse or partner and any dependents. They must also provide proof of their Canadian citizenship or permanent residency.

On the other hand, the sponsored person must pass medical examinations and security checks, and they must not be inadmissible to Canada for any reason. It is also important to provide supporting documents that prove the genuineness of the relationship, such as marriage certificates, joint bank account statements, or photographs together.

Requirements for Sponsor Requirements for Sponsored Person
Canadian citizen or permanent resident Pass medical examinations and security checks
Financial ability to support the spouse or partner Not be inadmissible to Canada
Provide supporting documents to prove the relationship

Eligibility Requirements for Sponsorship

To be eligible to sponsor your spouse or partner in Canada, you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident and meet certain criteria. The government of Canada has established specific guidelines to ensure the authenticity and validity of sponsorship applications.


Here are the key eligibility requirements for sponsoring your spouse or partner:

  1. You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. You must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or registered as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
  3. You must prove that you are not receiving social assistance, except for disability-related reasons.
  4. You must meet the minimum necessary income requirement to support your spouse or partner.
  5. You must sign an undertaking promising to provide financial support for your spouse or partner for a specific period of time.
  6. You must not be in prison, on parole, or have a criminal record.
  7. You must not be in default of a previous sponsorship agreement or have failed to pay alimony or child support.

Additionally, it is crucial to provide supporting documents to prove the genuineness of your relationship. These documents may include:

  • Marriage certificates or proof of common-law relationship
  • Joint bank account statements
  • Photographs of you and your spouse or partner together
  • Letters or emails showing continuous communication
  • Proof of shared expenses, such as utility bills or lease agreements

Meeting these eligibility requirements and providing strong evidence of your relationship will greatly increase the chances of your spouse or partner being granted permanent residency in Canada. It is recommended to consult with an immigration professional or lawyer to ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria and have the right documentation.

Spouse Visa Canada Canadian Immigration for Married Couples
Includes eligibility criteria for sponsoring your spouse or partner Provides specific guidelines to ensure the authenticity of sponsorship applications
Requires supporting documents to prove the genuineness of the relationship Consultation with an immigration professional is recommended for a successful application

Collecting Required Documents

To complete the spouse sponsorship application, you will need to gather specific documents, such as passports, photos, and supporting evidence of your relationship. These documents are crucial in proving the legitimacy of your partnership and ensuring a smooth application process.

Here is a list of the required documents you will need to collect:

  1. Valid passports: Ensure that both you and your spouse have valid passports. If your spouse does not have a passport, they will need to apply for one.
  2. Photos: Provide recent passport-sized photos of both you and your spouse. Make sure the photos meet the designated specifications for Canadian immigration.
  3. Marriage certificate: If you are legally married, you will need to submit a copy of your marriage certificate as proof of your relationship.
  4. Proof of shared residency: Gather documents that demonstrate you and your spouse have been living together in a genuine, committed relationship. This can include joint lease agreements, utility bills, or mortgage documents bearing both your names.
  5. Evidence of communication: Submit copies of emails, letters, or phone records that show regular communication between you and your spouse, further validating your relationship.

Remember, it’s important to provide comprehensive and convincing evidence of your relationship. The more documentation you can provide, the stronger your application will be.

Gathering Additional Evidence

In addition to the above-mentioned documents, you may also include additional evidence to support your application. This can include:

  • Photographs of you and your spouse together at various events or locations.
  • Testimonials from friends, family, or colleagues who can attest to the legitimacy of your relationship.
  • Travel itineraries or flight tickets that show you and your spouse have traveled together.

Once you have gathered all the required documents, organize them in a clear and chronological order. This will make it easier for the immigration officers to review your application and ensure a smooth processing time.

Required Documents Additional Evidence
Valid passports Photographs of you and your spouse together
Photos Testimonials from friends, family, or colleagues
Marriage certificate Travel itineraries or flight tickets
Proof of shared residency
Evidence of communication

Biometrics and Processing Time

If you fall within the age range of 14 to 79 years old, you may need to provide biometrics as part of the spouse sponsorship process. Biometrics refers to the collection of fingerprints and a digital photograph, which are used for identity verification. These biometric details help the Canadian government confirm your identity and are an essential step in the immigration process. You can visit a designated Service Canada location or a Visa Application Center to have your biometrics taken.

The processing time for spouse sponsorship applications can take approximately 12 months. This timeframe accounts for the various stages of the application process, including document verification, background checks, and decision-making. It’s important to be patient during this period, as the Canadian immigration authorities conduct a thorough assessment of each application to ensure compliance with the required criteria.

It is recommended to submit your spouse sponsorship application well in advance, considering the processing time and any potential delays. By doing so, you will be better prepared for the waiting period and can plan your relocation accordingly.

Age Range Biometrics Requirement Processing Time
14 to 79 years old Required Approximately 12 months
Under 14 years old Not required Varies
Over 79 years old Not required Varies

Remember, each case is unique, and the processing time provided is an approximation. Factors such as the volume of applications received, the complexity of individual cases, and any additional information requested by the immigration authorities can impact the overall processing time. Therefore, it’s crucial to stay updated on the status of your application and follow any instructions provided by the Canadian government.

Supporting Documents for Proof of Relationship

To strengthen your spouse sponsorship application, it’s crucial to provide supporting documents that prove the authenticity of your relationship. These documents serve as evidence of your commitment and shared life together. The following are some important supporting documents to include:

  1. Birth Certificates: Include your birth certificates and those of any children you have together. This helps establish the familial ties within your relationship.
  2. Photos Together: Include photographs of you and your spouse or partner together throughout your relationship. These photos should showcase your shared experiences, milestones, and special moments.
  3. Proof of Shared Expenses: Include documents that demonstrate your financial interdependence. This may include joint bank account statements, lease agreements, utility bills, or shared insurance policies.

Providing a combination of these supporting documents will help strengthen your case and provide a clear picture of your genuine relationship. It’s important to include a variety of documents that span the duration of your relationship, from the early stages to the present. This shows the progression and longevity of your commitment.

Remember, the more comprehensive and convincing your supporting documents are, the stronger your spouse sponsorship application will be. Be sure to organize your documents neatly and include any translations if necessary. By providing robust evidence of your relationship, you will increase your chances of a successful application for permanent residency in Canada.

Two Simultaneous Applications

When applying for spouse sponsorship in Canada, you will need to submit two applications simultaneously: one for the sponsor and one for the spouse or partner’s permanent residence. This dual application process ensures that both parties meet the necessary requirements for immigration and facilitates a smoother relocation process.

To begin the process, the sponsor will need to complete the sponsorship application. This application includes personal information, such as contact details and employment history, as well as details about the relationship with the spouse or partner. It is important to provide accurate and detailed information to strengthen the application.

The second application is for the spouse or partner’s permanent residence in Canada. This application will require the submission of additional documents, such as proof of identity, education records, and medical exams. It is crucial to gather all the necessary documents and ensure they are properly completed and certified.

Sponsor Application Spouse/Partner Application
Personal Information Personal Information
Relationship Details Additional Documents
Past and Present Employment Proof of Identity
Financial Support Details Education Records

By submitting both applications together, you ensure that the processing time is streamlined and that both parties are considered simultaneously. It is essential to carefully review the requirements and guidelines provided by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to avoid any delays or rejections.

Important Note:

It is crucial to understand that each case may have specific requirements or circumstances that need to be considered. Consulting with an immigration representative or lawyer can provide personalized guidance based on your unique situation.

Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages and Relationships

Canada recognizes and allows sponsorship for same-sex marriages and relationships, providing equal opportunities for all couples to be reunited. This progressive stance on LGBTQ+ rights has made Canada a welcoming and inclusive destination for individuals seeking to bring their same-sex spouse or partner to the country as a permanent resident.

“Our government believes that diversity and inclusion are fundamental values that make Canada stronger. We are proud to support same-sex marriages and relationships, and we strive to create an environment where everyone feels accepted and respected,” said an official spokesperson from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

To sponsor your same-sex spouse or partner, you will need to follow the same process and meet the same requirements as heterosexual couples. This includes proving the authenticity of your relationship through supporting documents like joint bank statements, shared bills, and photos together. The Canadian government recognizes that love knows no boundaries and is committed to promoting unity and family reunification for all couples.

Benefits and Equality

Being able to sponsor your same-sex spouse or partner in Canada provides numerous benefits and opportunities. Once your partner has obtained permanent residency, they will have the right to work, study, and access healthcare services in Canada. Moreover, as a permanent resident, they will be eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship after meeting the necessary residency requirements.

The recognition of same-sex marriages and relationships in Canada is a significant step forward in the global fight for LGBTQ+ rights. It not only offers equal opportunities for couples to be reunited but also sends a powerful message that love and commitment transcend gender. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, Canada serves as a beacon of hope and acceptance for individuals around the world.

Key Points Details
Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages and Relationships Canada recognizes and allows sponsorship for same-sex marriages and relationships, providing equal opportunities for all couples to be reunited.
Supporting Documents As part of the sponsorship process, couples need to provide supporting documents that demonstrate the genuineness of their relationship, such as joint bank statements, shared bills, and photos together.
Benefits of Sponsorship Once sponsored, the same-sex spouse or partner will have the right to work, study, and access healthcare services in Canada. They will also be eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship after meeting residency requirements.

Canada’s recognition of same-sex marriages and relationships reflects its commitment to equality and diversity. By facilitating family reunification for all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, Canada continues to lead the way in providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals from around the world.


Bringing your spouse to Canada as a permanent resident is possible through spouse sponsorship, which involves fulfilling specific requirements, providing supporting documents, and submitting two simultaneous applications.

Firstly, to initiate the process, you need to complete an application form and meet the eligibility criteria set by the Canadian government. It is crucial to gather the necessary documents, including passports, photos, and proof of relationship, such as birth certificates and evidence of shared expenses.

If you are between 14 and 79 years old, you may be required to provide biometrics, which involves providing fingerprint and photo records. The processing time for sponsorship applications is approximately 12 months, so it’s important to plan accordingly.

It’s worth noting that Canada recognizes same-sex marriages and relationships, making them eligible for sponsorship. This inclusivity reflects Canada’s commitment to diversity and equality.

Finally, the spouse sponsorship process entails submitting two applications simultaneously: one for the sponsor and another for the spouse or partner’s permanent residence. While you can choose to use an immigration representative, they cannot sign the application on your behalf.

By following these steps and fulfilling the necessary requirements, you can bring your spouse to Canada as a permanent resident, paving the way for a shared future in this beautiful country.


Q: What are the eligibility requirements for sponsoring my spouse or partner in Canada?

A: To sponsor your spouse or partner in Canada, you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, be at least 18 years old, and prove that your relationship is genuine and not solely for immigration purposes.

Q: What documents do I need to gather for the spouse sponsorship application?

A: You will need to gather documents such as passports, photos, proof of your relationship, proof of financial support, and any other supporting documents requested by the immigration authorities.

Q: How long does the spouse sponsorship application process take?

A: The processing time for spouse sponsorship applications is approximately 12 months. However, this can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of your case and the workload of the immigration authorities.

Q: Do I need to provide biometrics for the spouse sponsorship application?

A: If you are between 14 and 79 years old, you may need to provide biometrics, including fingerprints and a digital photo, as part of the spouse sponsorship application process.

Q: Can same-sex marriages and relationships be sponsored in Canada?

A: Yes, same-sex marriages and relationships are recognized and eligible for sponsorship in Canada. The requirements and process are the same as for opposite-sex marriages and relationships.

Q: Do I need to submit two applications for spouse sponsorship?

A: Yes, you need to submit two applications simultaneously for spouse sponsorship – one for the sponsor and one for the spouse or partner’s permanent residence. Both applications must be submitted together to ensure a smoother process.

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