
Understanding How Long Does it Take to Get a Canada Work Permit?

How Long Does it Take to Get a Canada Work Permit?

If you’re wondering how long it takes to get a Canada work permit, there are several factors to consider. The average processing time for Canadian work permits typically ranges from 1-9 months, starting from the day the IRCC receives a complete application until their decision is made. However, it’s important to note that this timeline can be influenced by various factors.


Factors that can affect the processing time include the type of application submitted, the completeness of the application, the number of applications received, and the location of the applicant (inside or outside of Canada). These factors can impact the efficiency of the processing, so it’s crucial to be aware of them when planning your work permit application.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be some delays in processing work permit applications. The ongoing situation has affected immigration processes, and it’s important to stay updated on any potential changes or disruptions that may impact processing times.

Key Takeaways:

  • The average processing time for Canadian work permits is typically between 1-9 months.
  • Processing time starts from the day the IRCC receives a complete application.
  • Factors such as the type of application, application completeness, number of applications, and applicant location can affect processing times.
  • Delays in processing work permit applications may occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Stay informed about any updates or changes that may impact processing times.

Average Processing Time for Canadian Work Permits

The average processing time for Canadian work permits can vary, but it typically falls between 1-9 months. This timeline begins from the day the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) receives a complete application and ends with their decision. It is important to note that these processing times are not set in stone and can be influenced by various factors.


Table 1: Factors Affecting Processing Times for Canadian Work Permits

Factors Description
Type of Application The type of work permit being applied for can impact the processing time. Different categories may have different processing requirements and timelines.
Completeness of Application An incomplete application can result in delays. Ensuring all required documents and information are included can help expedite the process.
Number of Applications Received The volume of applications being processed at any given time can also influence the overall processing time. Higher application numbers may lead to longer wait times.
Location of Applicant Whether the applicant is currently in Canada or outside of the country can affect processing times. Additional steps may be required for applicants outside of Canada.

It is important to be aware that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also had an impact on the processing times for work permit applications. Delays may occur due to reduced staffing, increased health and safety measures, and changes in processing priorities. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor the latest updates from the IRCC regarding any changes to processing times or requirements.

Factors Affecting Processing Times

Several factors can influence the processing times for Canada work permits. These factors include the type of application submitted, the completeness of the application, the number of applications received, and the location of the applicant (inside or outside of Canada).


When it comes to the type of application, certain categories may have different processing times. For example, the processing time for a Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) work permit may be different from that of an International Mobility Program (IMP) work permit. It is essential to ensure that the correct application category is selected to avoid unnecessary delays.

The completeness of the application is another crucial factor. Submitting a complete and accurate application with all the required supporting documents can help expedite the processing time. Incomplete applications may lead to requests for additional documents or information, which can prolong the processing time.

The number of applications received can also impact processing times. High volumes of applications may result in longer processing times as immigration authorities work through the backlog. It is important to monitor the current processing times and set realistic expectations accordingly.

Lastly, the location of the applicant can affect processing times. Applicants residing outside of Canada may have additional steps in the process, such as obtaining medical examinations or biometrics. These additional requirements can add time to the overall processing time.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on immigration processes worldwide, including Canada. Delays in processing work permit applications are possible due to the pandemic’s disruption of operations and increased demand for immigration services. Staying informed about any updates or changes to processing times is essential for those planning to apply for a Canada work permit.

Delays Due to COVID-19

It’s important to note that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused some delays in processing work permit applications. The global health crisis has significantly impacted immigration processes, leading to longer processing times for many applicants. The pandemic has introduced new challenges and safety measures that immigration authorities are navigating, which has resulted in delays in the processing of work permits.

During this time, it is crucial for applicants to remain patient and understanding of the circumstances. The health and safety of both applicants and immigration officers are of utmost importance, and additional precautions are being taken to ensure a safe and efficient processing of applications.

While the exact impact of COVID-19 on work permit processing times may vary, it is advisable for applicants to stay updated with the latest information provided by the IRCC. This will help them better understand any changes, requirements, or potential delays that may arise during the application process. By staying informed and prepared, applicants can navigate the challenges caused by the pandemic more effectively.

How to Apply for a Canada Work Permit

If you’re interested in applying for a Canada work permit, here are the general steps involved:

  1. Step 1: Determine your eligibility – Before applying, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for a Canada work permit. This includes having a job offer from a Canadian employer and obtaining a positive LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) if required.
  2. Step 2: Gather your documents – Collect all the necessary documents for your application, which may include a valid passport, proof of job offer, educational credentials, and language proficiency test results.
  3. Step 3: Complete the application forms – Fill out the appropriate application forms, ensuring that all the information is accurate and up to date. You can find these forms on the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  4. Step 4: Pay the fees – Pay the required processing fees for your work permit application. The fees may vary depending on the type of work permit and your country of residence.
  5. Step 5: Submit your application – Once you have completed all the necessary forms and gathered the required documents, submit your application to the IRCC either online or through a visa application center in your country.
  6. Step 6: Wait for a decision – After submitting your application, you will need to wait for the IRCC to process your application. The processing time can vary, as mentioned earlier, so it’s important to be patient.
  7. Step 7: Attend an interview (if required) – In some cases, the IRCC may request an interview to further assess your application. If this happens, make sure to prepare and attend the interview as scheduled.
  8. Step 8: Receive your work permit – If your application is approved, you will receive your Canada work permit. Make sure to read and understand the conditions stated on your work permit.
  9. Step 9: Travel to Canada – Once you have your work permit, you can make arrangements to travel to Canada and begin your employment as authorized.

It’s important to note that the application process for a Canada work permit can be complex and time-consuming. If you have any specific inquiries or need further assistance, it is recommended to reach out to relevant authorities or consult with an immigration professional.

Now that you’re familiar with the general steps involved in applying for a Canada work permit, you can begin gathering the necessary documents and completing the required forms. Good luck with your application!

Required Documents and Eligibility

To obtain a Canada work permit, there are certain documents you’ll need to submit and eligibility criteria to meet. The specific requirements may vary depending on the type of work permit you are applying for. Here is an overview of the common documents and eligibility criteria:


1. Job offer letter: You will need a valid job offer from a Canadian employer to apply for a work permit. The job offer must include details such as the job title, job description, salary, and duration of employment.

2. LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) or LMIA exemption: In most cases, your employer will need to obtain an LMIA, which is a document from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) indicating that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job. However, there are certain exemptions to this requirement, such as if you are covered by an international agreement or if you are eligible for the International Experience Canada (IEC) program.

3. Valid passport: You will need a valid passport or travel document that allows you to travel to Canada.

4. Proof of financial support: You may be required to provide evidence that you have enough funds to support yourself and any accompanying family members during your stay in Canada.

5. Other supporting documents: Depending on your specific circumstances, you may need to submit additional documents such as educational credentials, language test results, and medical exams.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Admissibility: You must be admissible to Canada, which means you must not have any criminal convictions or medical conditions that would pose a risk to public health or safety.

2. Job requirements: You must meet the requirements of the job you are applying for, which may include education, work experience, or specific skills.

3. Language proficiency: Depending on the job requirements and the province or territory you plan to work in, you may need to demonstrate proficiency in either English or French.

4. Compliance with immigration laws: You must intend to comply with the conditions of your work permit and leave Canada at the end of your authorized stay.

It is important to note that the above information provides a general overview and that the specific requirements and criteria may vary. It is recommended to consult the official website of the Government of Canada or seek professional advice to ensure that you have the most up-to-date and accurate information for your specific situation.

Processing Fees

When applying for a Canada work permit, there are certain processing fees that you’ll need to pay. These fees are necessary to cover the costs associated with processing your application and assessing your eligibility. It is important to be aware of these fees and factor them into your budget when planning to work in Canada.

The processing fees for a Canada work permit vary depending on the type of permit you are applying for and whether you are applying from inside or outside of Canada. The current fees are as follows:

Permit Type Fee
Work Permit (including extensions) $155 CAD
Open Work Permit $100 CAD
Work Permit for International Experience Canada (IEC) participants $100 CAD

Please note that these fees are subject to change, so it is advisable to check the official Government of Canada website for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, there may be additional costs associated with medical exams, biometrics, and other services required for your application. It is important to budget for these potential expenses as well.

It is essential to ensure that you include the correct processing fees with your application to avoid any delays or rejection. Failure to pay the required fees may result in your application being deemed incomplete and returned to you. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully review the fee schedule and follow the instructions provided by IRCC to ensure a smooth application process.

Application Timeline

Here’s a general timeline of the application process for a Canada work permit:

  1. Step 1: Determine eligibility – Before applying for a Canada work permit, it is important to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria. This includes having a job offer from a Canadian employer, obtaining a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) if required, and demonstrating language proficiency and educational qualifications.
  2. Step 2: Gather required documents – Once eligibility is confirmed, you need to gather all the necessary documents for your work permit application. This may include your passport, job offer letter, LMIA, educational certificates, and proof of funds, among others. It is crucial to ensure that all documents are complete and accurate to avoid any delays in processing.
  3. Step 3: Submit your application – After gathering all required documents, you can submit your work permit application to the IRCC. The application can be submitted online or by mail, depending on your situation. It is important to pay the required processing fees and include all supporting documents to avoid any delays or rejections.

Once your application is submitted, you will enter the processing phase. The actual processing time can vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier. It is important to note that the IRCC aims to process most work permit applications within the standard processing time of six months. However, it is advisable to check the most up-to-date processing times on the IRCC website or consult with an immigration professional for accurate information.

During the processing phase, the IRCC may request additional documents or information to assess your application. It is crucial to respond to these requests promptly to avoid further delays. Once a decision has been made on your work permit application, you will be notified of the outcome, and if approved, you can proceed with the next steps to obtain your Canada work permit.

Step Description
Step 1 Determine eligibility
Step 2 Gather required documents
Step 3 Submit your application

While this timeline provides a general overview, it is important to note that each application is unique and processing times can vary. The complexity of your application, the volume of applications being processed, and any potential delays due to COVID-19 can all impact the overall processing time of your Canada work permit application. It is advisable to plan ahead, submit a complete application, and consult with an immigration professional for personalized guidance throughout the process.


Understanding the processing time for a Canada work permit is crucial for those planning to work in the country. The average processing time for Canadian work permits typically ranges from 1-9 months, starting from the day the IRCC receives a complete application and ending with their decision. Factors such as the type of application, completeness of the application, the number of applications received, and the applicant’s location (inside or outside of Canada) can all affect processing times.

It is important to note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be some delays in processing work permit applications. The pandemic has impacted immigration processes, which may result in longer processing times. While these delays are beyond anyone’s control, it is essential for applicants to stay informed and be prepared for potential delays in their application process.

When applying for a Canada work permit, it is necessary to follow the proper application process and submit all required documents. Applicants should ensure they meet the eligibility criteria and gather the necessary paperwork to support their application. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the processing fees associated with the application.

If you have specific inquiries or require further assistance, it is advisable to reach out to the relevant authorities or seek professional guidance. By understanding the processing time and being well-prepared, individuals can increase their chances of obtaining a Canada work permit efficiently and smoothly.


Q: How long does it take to get a Canada work permit?

A: The average processing time for Canadian work permits is typically between 1-9 months. The processing time starts from the day the IRCC receives a complete application and ends with their decision.

Q: What factors can affect the processing time for a Canada work permit?

A: The processing times can be affected by the type of application submitted, completeness of the application, the number of applications received, and the location of the applicant (inside or outside of Canada).

Q: Are there any delays in processing work permit applications due to COVID-19?

A: Yes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be some delays in processing work permit applications. It is important to stay updated on the latest information and guidelines provided by the authorities.

Q: How do I apply for a Canada work permit?

A: To apply for a Canada work permit, you need to follow the application process outlined by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The general steps involve submitting the required documents, paying the necessary fees, and completing the application forms. For detailed information, you can refer to the official IRCC website.

Q: What documents do I need to submit and what are the eligibility criteria for a Canada work permit?

A: The required documents and eligibility criteria for a Canada work permit may vary depending on the type of work permit you are applying for. Generally, you will need to provide proof of a job offer, proof of qualifications, and other supporting documents. Eligibility criteria may include factors such as education, work experience, and language proficiency. It is recommended to review the specific requirements for the type of work permit you are interested in.

Q: How much does it cost to process a Canada work permit application?

A: The processing fees for a Canada work permit application can vary. It is advisable to check the current fees on the official IRCC website to ensure accurate information. Additionally, there may be additional costs such as biometric fees or fees for medical examinations, if required.

Q: What is the general timeline for the application process of a Canada work permit?

A: The timeline for a Canada work permit application can vary depending on various factors. However, it typically involves stages such as document submission, application review, and decision-making. It is important to note that the processing time can range from 1-9 months, as mentioned earlier.

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